Oct 10, 2023 – (HOUSTON) – Aeros, a global front-runner in airship-based logistics, left a memorable footprint at Breakbulk Americas 2023. The event spotlighted the company’s Aeroscraft ML866, boasting a 66-ton payload – marking it as the first model of its kind to be commercialized.


Designed as a Zero-Emission Variable Buoyancy Cargo Airship, the Aeroscraft ML866 redefines the boundaries of air transportation. It promises to accommodate cargo far more massive and heavier than what was traditionally conceivable, shifting paradigms in airborne project cargo.


Key capabilities underscoring the Aeroscraft ML866’s prowess include:


Unprecedented Cargo Compartment: With dimensions of 220 x 40 x 30 ft, it’s tailored to cater to the most demanding project cargo requirements.

Superior Cargo Capacity: A staggering 264,000 cubic feet volume, unlocking possibilities for varied project cargo types.

Hefty Payload Strength: A formidable 66-ton payload capability, ensuring even the heaviest project materials are no challenge.

Speed and Reach: A swift 140 mph coupled with a vast 3,100-mile range. Add the mid-air refueling ability, and geographical constraints fade away.

Advanced VTOL Technology: This allows for infrastructure-independent operations and opens doors to remote or traditionally inaccessible regions for project cargo.

No Landing Needed: The Aeroscraft is able to pick up and off load cargo in hover mode.

“The Aeroscraft ML866 is not just another air freight tool; it’s a game-changer. The ability to transport larger, heavier cargo via air bridges gaps and extends current project cargo capabilities into territories we once thought impossible,” Igor Pasternak, CEO at Aeros.


The event underlined Aeros’ commitment to evolving the breakbulk logistics domain and showcased the potential of their unique offerings.

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About Aeros:

Aeros is dedicated to the development, manufacturing, and operation of Aeroscraft’s Electric Zero-Emission Variable Buoyancy Cargo Airships, which revolutionize carbon-free, fifth dimensional logistics transportation. Our mission is to mitigate climate change by creating a global-reach vertical-lift system that does not rely on ground infrastructure and effectively addresses climate-related threats.


About Aeroscraft eVBA:


The Aeroscraft is a state-of-the-art, eco-friendly airship developed by Aeros. This electrical variable buoyancy airship (eVBA) operates with zero emissions, making it a sustainable solution for global logistics and eCommerce. With its disruptive technology, the Aeroscraft eVBA represents a significant leap in vertical transportation technology and is poised to redefine traditional freight and transportation methods.